Assessment of Knowledge of Various Aspects of Covid-19 among Undergraduate Dental Students of Pakistan: A Brief Survey
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Published: 28 December 2020 | Article Type :Abstract
Background: The outbreak of Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) and the given nature of the virus how easily it may spread from one individual to other and through common dental procedures via aerosols, has resulted in shutting down of approximately 198,000 active dentists and dental specialists in USA.
Materials and Method: One thousand dental students of BDS first year to final year were enrolled in the study. The questionnaire consisting of COVID 19 related questions was distributed to the students and all of subjects replied back. Questionnaire included ten questions in order to collect information about the various aspects of COVID 19.
Statistical Analysis: Statistical analysis of data was performed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS Inc. Chicago, IL, version 16.0).
Results and Observations: Out of 1000, 450 were males and 550 students were females. All the participants have heard about the pandemic. Ninety six percent had knowledge about the etiology of the disease, 74 % were familiar that it spreads by aerosols. It was found out that majority of the participants (86%) had knowledge of importance of social distancing in preventing the spread of the disease. 47% participants reported that COVID 19 is common in children as compared to old age.
Conclusion: The results of the study reported that dental students had knowledge about various aspects of COVID-19. Because of the limited sample size and parameters of the present study, future studies with larger sample sizes are warranted. The attitude and practices of dental students should also be assessed in future studies.

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How to Cite
Muneeb Ahmed, Azeem Ur Rahman Khan, Ahsan Shaffat Khan. (2020-12-28). "Assessment of Knowledge of Various Aspects of Covid-19 among Undergraduate Dental Students of Pakistan: A Brief Survey." *Volume 3*, 2, 15-19